All The Tools and Education You Need To Maximize Results And Unlock Your Body’s Potential
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My name is Idalis and I’m so happy to have you here! I love helping people learn simple, effective and sustainable ways to achieve their fitness, running and nutrition goals and accomplish their “impossible” . Outside of my work as a bilingual fitness & lifestyle expert, I am a wife, proud mama of three girls , and a former Elite and Division I Track and Field athlete. In addition to being a Beachbody & Bodi Interactive Super Trainer, I’m a Certified Personal Trainer and Sports Nutrition Coach through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, as well as VDOT and RRCA Running Coach Certifications. My mission is to always make it simple while keeping it fresh, honest and results driven for you!

Make it Simple!
The fitness industry can be complicated and not build for the average person. There is so much conflicting information, and often a lack of honesty and integrity. If you are busy and want a healthier body and mind, it can be time consuming and frustrating to wade through all the information that’s out there. I know I hate feeling confused and overwhelmed. That’s why my mission is to simplify nutrition, running and fitness for you! This way, you are empowered with the education and tools you need to achieve lasting results and unlock your greatest fitness potential. Thanks for joining me here and I hope you stay awhile!
xx Idalis
CONTACT MECourses and Programs
These individual courses are a great place to start and level up!
The Running Academy
Bulletproof your body and condfidenlty run your best race in 60 days or less! A step by step course that teaches you how to become a durable runner, how to fuel your body and gives you the best tools & resources to unlock your running potential. Learn to train smarter for your next 5k,10k, half marathon and more.
Fuel Like A Runner
Learn how to fuel for optimal training and workout performance and reach fat loss goals, while letting go of the toxic diet-culture mindset. You’ll learn to stop restricting and start performing. This course teaches you how to have a healthy relationship with food and your body. The program includes pre- and post-workout nutrition, intuitive eating guide, nutrition education, nourishing and  delicious recipes and tips to help you feel your best.
Next Level Strength & Recovery
This course teaches you how to train smarter and build a solid foundation of fitness while bulletproofing your knees, low back, hips and ankles. These exclusive circuits and exercises will help runners and anyone looking to become stronger, faster, improve body composition and move pain-free. Get the tools to level up your training and results!
30 Day Breakaway
A powerful combo of running and resistance training that helps accelerate fat loss as you strengthen and condition your entire body. In just 30 days, you’ll be fitter, faster, and ready to crush a 5K. These guided interval based runs and strength sessions are designed to enhance your running performance regarless your level of fitness.
Marathon TrainingÂ
These comprehensive running & strength hybrid plans help you prepare for your  first or next marathon and become a stronger and durable runner! It includes  three different plans to match your fitness level and schedule, educational videos to help you level up your training, exclusive workouts, pace calculators and more! Â
Half Marathon Training
Confidently run your best half marathon in 12 weeks. This running & strength hybrid plan helps you become a faster, stronger and more confident runner as you bulletproof your joints. Includes four different training plans to match your level of fitness and schedule, educational videos, pace calculators & more!